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Nature and Interpretation Heritage | Intervale Associates

Nature and Interpretation Heritage


Intervale produces attractive and engaging educational materials about nature, cultural heritage, and environmental issues. These include documentary videos, handbooks, interpretive displays and signs, calendars, and placemats. Using positive messages, our materials inform specific audiences, encourage stewardship action, and highlight collaborative efforts among stakeholder groups.


Nature and Heritage Placemats

With contributions from many sponsoring organizations and partners, Intervale produced a series of informational placemats about the fish,wildlife,plants and species at risk of Newfoundland and Labrador.  Eye-catching illustrations from Labrador illustartor, Cindy Colosimo, promote positive relationship with nature, while current knowledge and “What You Can Do” tips inform and encourage action.

For more information about the nature and heritage placemat series, contact Kathleen Blanchard at info@intervale.ca